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phpWebStats (v20.01)

Started by JMM,

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My changes to phpWebStats, to tweak it to suit my needs

Included on the above page:

  • To select the Colour that phpWebStats will be displayed in:
    * Default colour-scheme (for all my websites except TNG)
    * Mousegray colour-scheme (TNG websites, to match my TNG template)
  • To change the delimiters, from a dot to a comma
  • To add the Domain Name on the left, above the section listings
  • To add my own Footer
  • To add padding around the counts at the bottom of each module
  • To track viewing of phpWebStat itself

These instructions pertain to phpWebStats v20.01, as the code and/or line numbers might be different in previous and/or future versions

Some of my sites running phpWebStats:

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